K. Renee Horton is a Rocket Scientist
K. Renee Horton is a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and lifelong lover of science and NASA. A graduate of Louisiana State University with a B.S. of Electrical Engineering with a minor in Math in 2002 and a Ph.D. in Material Science with a concentration in Physics, she became the first African American to graduate from the University of Alabama in 2011 with this degree. Dr. K. Renee Horton currently serves as the Space Launch System Lead Metallic/Weld Engineer in the NASA Residential Management Office at Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. She is a proud mother of three - Eric, Malik, and Denise. She is the author of Sanctum of my Soul, a book of poetry and is currently working on two new books, The Adventures of Dr. H and Dr. H and her Friends. She enjoys photography and reading in her spare time. You can learn more about Renee at reneehortonphd.com or DrHscience.com.