My Scientific Name

A is for Astronomer!
B is for Bioengineer!
C is for Computer programmer!

What scientific careers do the letters of your name represent? Learn about different science careers from real scientists!

CuSTEMized is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to STEM education and outreach.
How to personalize your book

  • Enter your child's name and gender
  • Use our character creator to create a character that looks like your child
  • Include an optional dedication message
  • Click "Create My Book!"
  • Download a free eBook or purchase a hardcover copy
Why this book is so special

  • Your child's name is used to create the story so every story is different!
  • Your child's character is used in the book
  • Your child will learn about different STEM careers and meet real female and minority scientist role models!
Additional information

  • Price: eBook is free; Hardcover books start at $29.99 + $1.50 per letter
  • Size: 8.5" x 11"
  • Length: varies depending on name. +3 pages per letter.
  • Recommended Age: 4 - 10
  • Meet a random scientist

Create Your Character


Optional: Add a personalized message to be included in your special book!

Your Scientific Name

PDF Book

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Hardcover Book

Professionally made in the USA. Proceeds from book sales are reinvested back towards our non-profit mission.
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Meet the Scientists

Meet a real scientists behind My Scientific Name!

Jenny Gruber was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. She graduated from Boston University (ENG '99) with a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, and in 2002, earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Science from Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. Jenny joined NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston as a cooperative education student in the fall of 1996, and as a full time employee in the fall of 2002. She spent 9 years in the Flight Design and Dynamics Division of the Flight Operations Directorate. She was a Flight Dynamics Officer (FDO) in Space Shuttle Mission Control, and her assignments included Entry FDO for STS-125—the final Hubble Space Telescope Servicing mission—and Entry FDO for the final Space Shuttle mission, STS-135! Jenny is married and has a 7-year old son, Markus, who was born in Ethiopia. In her spare time, Jenny enjoys long-distance running, serving as an Elder and Sunday school teacher at Clear Lake Presbyterian, travel, camping and other outdoor activities, reading, mentoring young people, and learning about Ethiopian history, language, and culture.

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