My Scientific Name

A is for Astronomer!
B is for Bioengineer!
C is for Computer programmer!

What scientific careers do the letters of your name represent? Learn about different science careers from real scientists!

CuSTEMized is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to STEM education and outreach.
How to personalize your book

  • Enter your child's name and gender
  • Use our character creator to create a character that looks like your child
  • Include an optional dedication message
  • Click "Create My Book!"
  • Download a free eBook or purchase a hardcover copy
Why this book is so special

  • Your child's name is used to create the story so every story is different!
  • Your child's character is used in the book
  • Your child will learn about different STEM careers and meet real female and minority scientist role models!
Additional information

  • Price: eBook is free; Hardcover books start at $29.99 + $1.50 per letter
  • Size: 8.5" x 11"
  • Length: varies depending on name. +3 pages per letter.
  • Recommended Age: 4 - 10
  • Meet a random scientist

Create Your Character


Optional: Add a personalized message to be included in your special book!

Your Scientific Name

PDF Book

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Hardcover Book

Professionally made in the USA. Proceeds from book sales are reinvested back towards our non-profit mission.
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Meet the Scientists

Meet a real scientists behind My Scientific Name!

Lauren Koenig was raised in Valley Stream, New York where her love of animals developed from frequent trips to zoos and aquariums. After a school trip to Brazil, she became hooked on behavioral ecology and evaluating changes in the world through understanding animal behavior. Lauren wants to use animal behavior as a tool to shape conservation. One of her research projects involved understanding squirrel play behavior as an indicator of squirrel population movements in Colorado. Since high altitude mountains are drastically affected by climate change, being able to predict and understand animal movements in these ecosystems can help people manage the effects of climate change. Lauren is currently working towards a PhD in Integrative Biology at Michigan State University studying grasshopper mice and their superhero ability to eat toxic prey. In the meantime, she shares her love of science as co-editor-in-chief of the blog for the Scientista Foundation, a group devoted to connecting women in science.

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